Hello all,
I'm in search of somebody who had a Cycleops Powertap Little Yellow Comptuer (LYC) head unit they could loan me for a day to see if my hub is functional.
I bought a TT bike last year which has a Powertap hub which I think is ANT compatible but not ANT+ so it can only connect to an LYC instead of any old Garmin etc.
Bonus points if you have an ANT+ upgrade stick for the hub!
@Vegan Dave Shishkoff I haven't been able to find one so if I can borrow yours that would be great! Please drop me a message at 2508846628 so we can arrange a collection at a suitable date/time.
The powertap hub is a 2.4 which, from my research, was released as ANT but a few years later they released an ANT+ conversion stick. I replaced the batteries in the hub and tried both my garmin watch and a 13 year old garmin head unit but both failed to pick up any sigal. I'm hoping that it's just not been converted to ANT rather than defective!!