Would you like to sharpen your ride leader skills, earn a coaching certification, and enhance Tripleshot's collective skill set? Cycling BC is holding a Ride Leader Training session in beautiful Sidney on April 23, following one online session on April 18 or 20.
The course costs $125, plus an $11 surcharge for Cycling for All members. But the Tripleshot board has agreed to allocate $500 to subsidize a handful of members to take the course. We recognize the the whole club benefits from having more members with skills like these.
Find more details and the registration link: https://cyclingbc.net/event/nccp-2023-04-20/ If you're interested and committed to regularly riding with Tripleshot this year, please register, pay the fee up front, and let us know by emailing tripleshotcyclingclub@gmail.com. We will split the $500 evenly and reimburse all who sign up (as much as $83 per member, or the full cost for Youth Team coaches.)
NOTE: you must register before end of day this Monday, April 10 and the course will only go ahead if they have a minimum of 6 registrants.

Ignore where their website says reg. deadline is Apr. 7. It's been extended to Monday, Apr. 10.