Tripleshot Cycling Club’s Annual General Meeting has been bumped a few weeks due to scheduling conflicts and is now set for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at the Oak Bay Rec Centre Sports Lounge (upstairs). Come enjoy some appies on the club and help yourself to the bar. More details below.
The AGM is when the club elects directors for the coming year. Our board includes six members-at-large and four officers: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
Several directors have decided not to return in 2023-24. We will always be grateful for their incredible contributions to the Club over many years of service: Chelsea Henderson, Joji Ishikawa, Geoff Pye, and Rolf Warburton.
The following directors have agreed to be nominated in the following roles for 2023-24:
President……………….Erin Jalilian
Vice President………....Ron Mierau
Secretary……………….Gaurav Sharma
Treasurer………………..Robert Berry
Director………………….Kevin Chen
Director…………………Andrew Neale
The board has had discussions with several members who have agreed to be nominated to serve on the 2023-24 board as new directors. The board nonetheless calls for nominations of members for each director role.
Please see the attached PDF for more details and how to nominate a candidate. The nomination deadline is September 27 (two weeks before the AGM). If an election is required, more information will be provided about the candidates prior to the AGM.
We'll commence the formal AGM at 6:30PM PST and should wrap up around 8:00PM, depending on whether or not a director election will be necessary. From approximately 8:00PM to 9:00PM an informal "town hall" style meeting will be held with your incoming board members to talk about club priorities, plans, and ideas.
2023 Annual General Meeting Agenda (October 11, 6:30PM)
Call to order
Approval of agenda and 2022 AGM minutes
President's report - Treasurer's report and approval of 2023-2024 budget
Report on Tripleshot Youth Program
Election of directors for 2023-2024
Adjournment of official AGM
Open Discussion - "Town Hall"
Once the window for director nominations closes on September 27, minutes from the 2022 AGM will be posted on the club website and a formal notice email will go out to the membership. Please find time to show up for this meeting. These days it’s a rare opportunity to meet as a big group. It’s also a great opportunity to make your voice heard and contribute to the future of the club.
~ The Board ~
Just a reminder that our call for board nominations closes at midnight this coming Wednesday, September 27, 2023. On the fence? Talk to a director or email the club! Want to be nominated? Talk to a director or email the club! Want to nominate another member (with their permission)? Talk to a director or email the club! tripleshotcyclingclub@gmail.com