Good day Tripleshot members, I would like to bring to your attention The District of Oak Bay 2024 capital plan for Henderson Road. Those of us who enjoy Tuesday Sprints around the Uplands Golf Course this forum post is for you.
The link below has the link to the capital plan
As you can see the one section that concerns us the most especially for Tuesday Sprints is the section from Lansdowne Rd and Foul Bay Rd on Henderson Rd. This small section will have two stop signs and three speed bumps.
Here is the live survey link Until Sep 12 that Oak Bay is asking for feedback. Please fill to help make this Tuesday Ride safer.
The board has discussed and thought these points would be good to mention in the survey.
Reduce the number of speed bumps between Landsdowne and Foul Bay to two or even one. The speed bumps are there to ensure drivers are behaving. But e believe there is not enough car traffic on this stretch for this to be a concern.
Retain the yield at Henderson and Foul Bay. We believe there is little risk of a driver rolling through this intersection and hitting a cyclist on the Foul Bay bike lane as there is good visibility. We also believe that a yield facilitates a more natural and streamlined bike commute as cyclists will naturally coast through this intersection from Henderson directly into the Foul Bay bike lane. Of course it is also in our interest that the yield be retained so as to not disrupt our regular Tuesday club rides.
Thank you for taking your valuable time and filing in this survey.
Ron Mierau
Tripleshot Cycling Club