13 municipalities, 7 First Nations, 160 multi-surface kilometres. See our entire region from your bike — all in one beautiful day.
Last ridden by Tripleshotters three years ago: https://www.strava.com/activities/3616780138
Video evidence here: https://vimeo.com/rolfwarburton/gvgg2020
For flow and mutual support, small groups of 6-8 max and an all-day pace will be encouraged. This time we're going to try counter-clockwise: 2023 GVGG Route Map. A late lunch at the 17-Mile? Post-ride pub? Let's hear your ideas!
But first let's pick a Sunday. The following options have been selected with other Tripleshot events in mind. Pick as many as you like below... (voting will be open until end of February, at least.)
Pick your ideal GVGG date(s)...
April 30
May 7
June 4
You can vote for more than one answer.
Thanks for everyone's votes and interest. It's good to see a poll get used on our new forum. This silly event failed to get off the ground due to leadership (and general) fatigue. 😴 If anyone else still wants to pull it together on Spond, I'm sure there would be willing help.